For the protection and conservation of our local architectural & environmental heritage
The Society’s continuing aims are to protect the historic buildings and townscape of this area, and the quality of its villages and landscape.
The Society combines this work with a wish to make people more aware of their natural landscape and the heritage of this historic area, as well as areas of wider interest, through our regular lecture programme. These are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month at St Andrew’s Church Chapter House.
The Society campaigns on the following issues:
- To protect and conserve our architectural heritage;
- To retain green spaces, trees and footpaths;
- To encourage the planting of appropriate trees;
- To promote the extension of conservation areas and green belts;
- To increase the number of listed buildings through recommendations to English Heritage and the Department of Culture, Media & Sport.

We have fought numerous environmental cases in the past twenty-five years and attended public enquiries. Among these have been:
- achieving listed status for the former council offices in Dunstable Street, an important work by Sir Albert Richardson;
- the reinstatement of the green belt to the east of the town;
- active involvement in monitoring the planning application for the Covanta incinerator.
The committee reviews planning applications for Ampthill and the surrounding area on a regular basis and comments where appropriate.