The Society shall be known as 'The Ampthill & District Preservation Society' (hereinafter referred to as 'the Society').
The objectives of the Society shall be:
a) To encourage the protection and conservation of local historical architecture and all aspects of environmental heritage in and around the town of Ampthill;
b) To promote and encourage public awareness of the local environment and its historic heritage;
c) To pursue collaborative actions with other Societies and local & national Government bodies/agencies in order to further the objectives of the Society;
d) In furtherance of the above objectives, the Society shall actively pursue the following:
i. the monitoring of access to the open countryside and public open space through the Public Rights of Way network;
ii. the promotion of sympathetic building within the local area, by actively monitoring planning applications;
iii. the promotion of educational activities, including a regular programme of talks, occasional visits and publications.
a) Membership of the Society shall be open to all those with an interest in the objects of the Society and who have paid the due subscription.
b) Classes of membership and subscription rates shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Society, subject to the approval of members at a general meeting. Details of membership and subscription rates shall be available from the Membership Secretary.
a) An Executive Committee consisting of the Officers, together with no more than nine additional Committee members, shall manage the affairs of the Society.
b) The Officers shall consist of Chairman, not more than two Vice-Chairmen, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Countryside Officer, Planning Officer and Membership Secretary.
c) The Executive Committee shall have the power:
i. to fill vacancies by appointing temporary Officers and Committee Members;
ii. to co-opt up to three additional Committee Members, but only until the next Annual General Meeting;
iii. to form sub-committees.
d) The Programme Secretary, in consultation, shall draw up a draft programme of lectures and visits for approval by the Executive Committee in July or August. The programme of activities shall cover the period October to July and shall be circulated to the Membership, after approval.
e) The Officers will be nominated by the Executive Committee and submitted for approval at the Annual General Meeting. The nominations shall be distributed together with the notice of the Annual General Meeting.
i. The Officers shall hold office for three years, but may be re-elected for a second term or more.
ii. No Officer shall normally be elected until one year has been served as a Committee Member
iii. Committee Members shall serve for three years, with two resigning by rotation each year, but being eligible for re-election.
iv. An elected member of the Executive Committee of the Society who attends no committee meetings in the year following the Annual General Meeting will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.
f) Further nominations from the membership of the Society must reach the Secretary in writing, at least one week before the Annual General Meeting, at which an election will be held if necessary.
a) Executive Committee meetings shall normally be held a minimum of four times per year. A notice calling each meeting shall be distributed in the preceding week, accompanied by the agenda and unapproved minutes of the previous meeting. The quorum shall be four, including at least two Officers
b) The Annual General Meeting will normally be held in May.
i. The Secretary shall be advised by the proposer and seconder of any matter for inclusion in the agenda at least six weeks before the date of the Meeting.
ii. All members shall receive at least twenty-one days notice in writing, accompanied by:
a) the Agenda;
b) the unapproved minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any
Extraordinary Meetings that have been held since then;
c) a list of nominations of the Committee Members and Officers and
d) invitations for nominations to the Committee.
iii. The Chairman will present an Annual Report, with additional reports by Officers as required.
iv. The Treasurer will present a statement of Accounts, which has been subject to an independent examination, for acceptance by the Meeting.
c) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Executive Committee, which is obliged to do so at the written request of ten members. Members of the Society shall receive at least seven days notice of such a meeting and of the purpose for which it is being convened. This shall be the sole business of the meeting.
d) The quorum for all General Meetings shall be twenty members
e) Open meetings will be held in accordance with an agreed published programme. These are open to non-members, and an admission charge may be levied to defray expenses.
a) The funds of the Society shall be held in the name of the Society in a bank account or aform of
investment approved by the Executive Committee. Any two of the Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary shall sign any cheques drawn.
b) The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping accurate and complete accounts and will prepare an examined statement of accounts to the preceding 31st August, for approval at the Annual General Meeting.
c) The accounts shall be independently examined annually by a person not on the Executive Committee, this person to be approved at the previous Annual General Meeting.
No legal proceedings involving charges against the Society's funds shall be initiated or undertaken without the consent of a majority of the members present at a General Meeting. No liability in respect of legal proceedings shall attach to any member beyond the amount of such member's individual annual subscription or guarantee towards such proceedings.
The Constitution may be amended only at a General Meeting of the Society after due notice. Any such amendments must be approved by two thirds of those present.
The Society may be dissolved only on the approval of three-quarters of those present at an Extraordinary Meeting for which fourteen days notice will be given. Such a meeting shall have the power by the same majority to dispose of any assets held by the Society after all debts and liabilities have been paid, the balance left to be transferred to other organisations having similar objectives, and to appoint trustees for that purpose.
Amended by the AGM 7th May 2024.