Ampthill Past Memories Project

The First Eight Months!

The Ampthill Past Memories Project takes us on a stroll down memory lane with recordings of Ampthill residents sharing their stories.

It’s a unique peek into the heart and soul of our town’s history.  The memories allow us to explore Ampthill’s past through the personal tales and cherished memories of its residents.,

The project was born out of discussion between Mariella Cook and Sandra Read who had both participated in the Greensand Country Landscape Oral History and recognising that Ampthill was a rich source of more recent history that as yet, was not recorded centrally.  We explored the methodology, and we needed equipment, help and advice.

Terry Lee, Senior Tutor in Radio & Audio at the University of  Bedfordshire and Chair of the Community Media Association, came to our rescue with much help and advice. Our thanks are extended to Terry for the help and assistance he has given to us over the past few months.

Initially Ampthill & District Preservation Society funded podcast equipment and we explored funding opportunities to purchase a dedicated laptop and software. The CBC Inspiring Volunteering fund awarded a grant of £500, followed by £500 from the Ampthill Town Council Community Grant Fund for which we are very grateful.

We already have eleven recordings “in the can”, and these will be edited and uploaded soon. Many more interviews are scheduled, with a list of potential interviewers

Next stages include transcribing the interviews, lodging copies with the British Library Sound Archive and more. Some of Terry’s University students will now become involved with helping to edit the interviews and create the podcasts.

The project could not have run without the residents that have already allowed us to record their precious memories,  We extend our appreciation and thanks to all those that have already completed interviews and all those that will do so in the future.  Also a huge thank you to those  who have come forward to join the interview team.

The Project has been set up as Podcasts which can be accessed via the Ampthill & District Preservation Society website, or by scanning the QR code which appears on the logo of the project.

We are pleased to be able to include  a trailer of the project here – please clink on the link.

There are always more memories out there waiting to be found. If you would like to share your memories with us and are happy to have them included in the Ampthill Past Memories Project, please do contact us by email on

We will undoubtedly need more funding in the future but we are rightly proud of what we have achieved so far on such a small budget(<£1300) and with so many hours given in kind by volunteers.
