Meetings 2022 to 2023


Oct 4th    Is Art a Con? – Dr Ann Gibb

In 2014, an unmade bed in a squalid condition sold for £2.5 million. Is Art an innate expression of human nature or an escapist irrelevance: no more than a sensory or financial ‘con trick’?

Nov 1st    Leighton Buzzard in Wartime and the Secrets of “Q Central” – Delia Gleave

In the quiet market town of Leighton Buzzard, albeit with privations and anxieties shared by the rest of the country, the population of just under eight thousand went about its daily business as best it could, completely unaware that hidden in their midst was Britain’s “nerve centre” of communications for the duration of the Second World

Dec 6th     The role of an estates head gardener (Woburn Abbey and Repton) – Andrew Grout

Andrew will talk on the development of Woburn Abbey Gardens with reference to Repton’s work. This meeting also includes wine, mince pies and other refreshments.


Mar 7th Lord Holland – Dr Barry Dackombe

The trees in the Alameda were planted in the early 1820s and were gifted to the town in 1827 by Henry Fox, the 3rd Lord (Baron) Holland (1773-1840), who on the death of the 2nd Earl of Upper Ossory in 1818 made Ampthill Park his seat.

Apr 4th Geology of Bedfordshire – Bev Fowlston

Focusing on Ampthill and the Greensand Ridge. The rocks in Bedfordshire are up to 200 million years old, and Bev will talk about this and much more.

May 9th AGM at 7:30 followed by Bunyan in Bedfordshire – John Pestell

John Pestell is the author of the book ‘Travel with John Bunyan: Exploring the World of John Bunyan Author of “The Pilgrim’s Progress”’. Seventeenth Century England was an unsettled place but men like Bunyan sought to bring the healing word of God to it. John will give us the opportunity to learn about John Bunyan’s life in Bedfordshire. John is a great Bunyan enthusiast, and near Bedford-born in mid 1950s, he grew up in Elstow, Bunyan’s village, and as an infant lived in Bunyan’s cottage.

Note: Unlike most meetings, this meeting will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Oct 3rd The Eric Houfe Memorial Lecture:

English Garden Eccentrics – Todd Longstaffe-Gowan will talk on his most recent book.

Please Note: Change of Date.