Introducing our Acting Chairperson.

Sarah Wright

Sarah has lived in Millbrook since 1999 but has family links with the Ampthill area which go much further back.  Her paternal grandparents were from Millbrook and Ampthill, marrying at the Methodist Church in 1927 and her father was brought up in Flitwick. Furthermore, a great, great aunt used to run the Old Sweet Shop in Woburn Street and her great grandfather on her mother’s side was the one-time publican of the King’s Arms. Family History research has shown that she had relatives living in Dunstable Street as far back as 1757!

Sarah was brought up in the nearby village of Wootton and attended Dame Alice Harpur School in Bedford before completing her degree at Trinity College, Cambridge and a PGCE at New College, Oxford.

She then spent 4 years as a History teacher at Watford Grammar School for Boys, before moving to Bedford Modern School. Here, she was Head of History for 19 years between 2003 and 2022 and since September 2023 she has taken up the new post of Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

She is a regular contributor to Hindsight GCSE History magazine, published by Hodder and since 2014 has been involved in a project to transcribe, research and publish the family papers of Keynes family, especially focussing on those of Geoffrey Keynes and his wife Margaret Darwin.

Sarah is a keen supporter of all the different aims of ADPS and hopes that the society is able to go from strength to strength.