Agenda for AGM on Tuesday 9th May 2023

Ampthill and District Preservation Society

The Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 9 May 2023 at 7.30pm

Chapter House, St Andrew’s Church, Ampthill



  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of AGM held on 10 May 2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Annual report: – Chairman
  5. Statement of Accounts: – Treasurer
  6. Appointment of Auditor
  7. Election of Officers
  8. Any other business
    • Membership fee proposalto increase membership fees to £6.00 for couples; £5.00 for individuals; and £4.00 for senior citizens and those under 21.
    • Meetings fee proposalto provide the opportunity to pay for all 6 meetings in advance (at time of membership renewal), and if doing so paying for 5 meetings instead of 6


Current Committee Members – 2023

Chairman:                                                          Co-opted Chairperson Sarah Wright ***

Vice-Chairman                                                  Mr A Sewell

Secretary:                                                            Vacant***

Treasurer and Membership Secretary:        Mr James Gibb

Planning Officer and Countryside officer:   Mr John Boothby (Resigning)

Programme Secretary:                                      Mrs Mariella Cook

Alameda and Park Officer:                              Mrs Jo Leary

Communication and Social Media                Mrs Mariella Cook

Webmaster and Technical Support               Co-opted Mr John Leary ***

Member:                                                              Mrs Valerie Therkildsen

Member:                                                              Mrs Sandra Read (Acting as Minute Secretary)

Member:                                                              Mr John Mower

*** up for election and willing to stand/serve.

Sarah Wright – Proposed by Mariella Cook, Seconded by John Mower

John Leary     – Proposed by Sandra Read, Seconded by Mariella Cook

Secretary        – Sandra Read, Proposed by Valerie Therkildsen, Seconded by James Gibb

Committee Volunteer Members would be most welcome. Meetings are convivial and held every 6-8 weeks, so the commitment is not onerous. If you would like to join us, please speak to any of the committee members or email