Thank you for your application which has now been sent to the Membership Secretary
2024/25 membership subscriptions are:
- £6.00 for Joint Membership
- £5.00 for individuals
- £4.00 for senior citizens and those under 21
You now have the option of paying meeting fees in advance when you pay your subscription, this allows you to pay for 6 meetings at the price of 5 and avoid having to find change at each meeting. The cost is an extra £10 per person, No refunds will be available.
2024/25 membership subscriptions including advance Meeting Fees:
- £26.00 for Joint Membership
- £15.00 for individuals
- £14.00 for senior citizens and those under 21
If you wish to pay by cheque or cash, please place it in an envelope with your name and phone number (so I can match it to the application) and pass it to me or any committee member. Cheques should be made payable to The Ampthill and District Preservation Society
If you would prefer to pay your subscription by Standing Order please fill out the form which can be found here and pass it to me or any committee member (Not your bank). Alternatively, if you use online banking and choose to set up a standing Order that way, please use the bank details below and email me at to confirm you have done this.
If you wish to employ Online Banking to make a one-off payment please use the details below. Again please email me at to confirm you have done this.
Account: Ampthill & District Preservation Society Bank: Barclay's Bank plc Branch: Flitwick & Ampthill Sort Code: 20-05-74 Account Number: 00250813 Please quote ref: "AmptPres" and your surname