
Ampthill Past Memories Project is awarded an Ampthill Town Council Community Grant

We are pleased to announce that our application for a £500 grant to Ampthill Town Council Community Grant Fund, towards purchase of equipment for the Ampthill Memories Project has been successful subject to the ATC Community Engagement Committee agreeing with our plans for archiving the memories recorded.
Grateful thanks is conveyed to The Ampthill Town Councillors.
Posted by admin in News

Agenda for AGM on Tuesday 9th May 2023

Ampthill and District Preservation Society

The Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 9 May 2023 at 7.30pm

Chapter House, St Andrew’s Church, Ampthill


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of AGM held on 10 May 2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Annual report: – Chairman
  5. Statement of Accounts: – Treasurer
  6. Appointment of Auditor
  7. Election of Officers
  8. Any other business
    • Membership fee proposalto increase membership fees to £6.00 for couples; £5.00 for individuals; and £4.00 for senior citizens and those under 21.
    • Meetings fee proposalto provide the opportunity to pay for all 6 meetings in advance (at time of membership renewal), and if doing so paying for 5 meetings instead of 6

Current Committee Members – 2023

Chairman:                                                          Co-opted Chairperson Sarah Wright ***

Vice-Chairman                                                  Mr A Sewell

Secretary:                                                            Vacant***

Treasurer and Membership Secretary:        Mr James Gibb

Planning Officer and Countryside officer:   Mr John Boothby (Resigning)

Programme Secretary:                                      Mrs Mariella Cook

Alameda and Park Officer:                              Mrs Jo Leary

Communication and Social Media                Mrs Mariella Cook

Webmaster and Technical Support               Co-opted Mr John Leary ***

Member:                                                              Mrs Valerie Therkildsen

Member:                                                              Mrs Sandra Read (Acting as Minute Secretary)

Member:                                                              Mr John Mower

*** up for election and willing to stand/serve.

Sarah Wright – Proposed by Mariella Cook, Seconded by John Mower

John Leary     – Proposed by Sandra Read, Seconded by Mariella Cook

Secretary        – Sandra Read, Proposed by Valerie Therkildsen, Seconded by James Gibb

Committee Volunteer Members would be most welcome. Meetings are convivial and held every 6-8 weeks, so the commitment is not onerous. If you would like to join us, please speak to any of the committee members or email

Posted by admin in Meetings

Introducing our Acting Chairperson.

Sarah Wright

Sarah has lived in Millbrook since 1999 but has family links with the Ampthill area which go much further back.  Her paternal grandparents were from Millbrook and Ampthill, marrying at the Methodist Church in 1927 and her father was brought up in Flitwick. Furthermore, a great, great aunt used to run the Old Sweet Shop in Woburn Street and her great grandfather on her mother’s side was the one-time publican of the King’s Arms. Family History research has shown that she had relatives living in Dunstable Street as far back as 1757!

Sarah was brought up in the nearby village of Wootton and attended Dame Alice Harpur School in Bedford before completing her degree at Trinity College, Cambridge and a PGCE at New College, Oxford.

She then spent 4 years as a History teacher at Watford Grammar School for Boys, before moving to Bedford Modern School. Here, she was Head of History for 19 years between 2003 and 2022 and since September 2023 she has taken up the new post of Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

She is a regular contributor to Hindsight GCSE History magazine, published by Hodder and since 2014 has been involved in a project to transcribe, research and publish the family papers of Keynes family, especially focussing on those of Geoffrey Keynes and his wife Margaret Darwin.

Sarah is a keen supporter of all the different aims of ADPS and hopes that the society is able to go from strength to strength.


Posted by admin in News

Ampthill Past Project

Would you like to be involved in an exciting new project dedicated to bringing the more recent history of Ampthill alive?

To engage with long-standing residents of Ampthill and around, to collect and record memories of Ampthill Past in the form of stories, photos, interviews, videos etc.

The records will be uploaded and stored on our website initially, and access will be made available to the public through membership.

Through a previous project that we were involved with, we have access to recording equipment and have permission to borrow it.

Those wishing to become involved in this project can help in many ways, e.g., recruiting residents for interviews, interviewing residents, researching topics, writing up memories, transcribing recordings, general help, and admin etc.

All volunteers will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure privacy is maintained for individuals participating and all records will be centrally maintained.

Get involved now and help to share Ampthill memories for posterity

More details will be available shortly.

Posted by admin in News

2023 Programme of Walks

John Hele has agreed to lead a programme of walks around Ampthill in 2023. Below is the proposed programme of walks as of January 2023, keep checking back for details as they become available. The walks are open to members only, if you want to join the society, click here.

31st January

Ghost Walk

Tuesday evening 7.30pm

A town the age of Ampthill seems to have more than its fair share of ghost stories, with more coming to light all the time. Come and hear these stories together with other historical facts about the town. View Details

22nd April

Ampthill North-East   

Saturday afternoon 2pm

There is no doubt that the north-east quadrant of Ampthill has more interesting historical facts and stories than the whole of the rest of the town. Including the church, which we shall visit and also Church Street which has Royal connections, the tour will also show how Ampthill once prospered and then declined. View Details

17th June

Ampthill Graveyard 

Saturday afternoon 2pm

Please note: date changed from the 24th

For its size, Ampthill has one of the largest graveyards in the county. There are some fascinating characters buried there with interesting stories to be told. The tour covers some sad stories together with memorials and graves of the Lords and Ladies with fascinating stories to tell. View Details

1st July

Secret Ampthill   

Saturday afternoon 2pm

With any town of the age of Ampthill there are going to be those interesting little features that you probably walk past every day and never notice. This walk explores the town and highlights the hidden gems and why they are there, including the various graveyards in the town.

23 September

Ampthill’s Origins through the Park         

Saturday afternoon 2pm

Please note: date changed from the 9th

Ampthill Park has had an enormous influence on the town, from prehistoric times to the present day. This walk around the park will highlight a whole range of historical features and why they are there, as well as piecing together how various historical events have contributed to the nation’s historical past.

11 November

Ampthill in Wartime

Saturday afternoon 2pm

The Civil War and both World Wars have had a marked influence on the development of the town. We look at why Ampthill has four war memorials! As well as visiting important buildings in the town that were used for wartime activities.

Posted by admin in Walks